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Gohan's Biography


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Gohan is the first son of Goku. He is half Saiya-jin and half Human. In the beginning of DBZ, Gohan is a bookworm and doesn't know anything about fighting. His mother Chichi refuses to let him be trained by Goku and wants Gohan to be a scholar.
One day Goku met up with his brother Radditz. Radditz asked Goku to join him and when Goku refused, Radditz kidnapped Gohan. Radditz held him in his space pod while he fought Goku and Piccolo. Gohan saw his father getting hurt and showed that he had great power. He broke through the space pod and head butted Radditz in the chest breaking his armor and sending him to the ground in pain. Goku and Radditz were killed during the fight and before Radditz died, he told Piccolo that two Saiya-jin warriors would arrive on earth in about a year, and they were even stronger then him. Piccolo saw the great potential in Gohan and decided to train him for the fight.

As Piccolo trained Gohan, his abilities grew as the year progressed. By the time the Saiya-jin's showed up, Gohan was ready for battle. Nappa was the first Saiya-jin to fight and he quickly killed most of the Z team. Piccolo, Gohan and Krillin were the only three left in the end. During one of the attacks that Piccolo had planned out, Gohan became too scared and ran. Nappa was about to kill Gohan, but Piccolo saved his life buy jumping in front of the ki blast (Piccolo died). When Goku finally showed up, Gohan was about to be squashed like a bug under Nappa foot. He saved both Krillin and Gohan and easily beat Nappa. He started to fight Vegeta and told Gohan and Krillin to go home so they wouldn't get hurt.

On their way back, Gohan decided to return to the battle. When he arrived, Goku was in serious trouble. Vegeta had turned Ozaru and was crushing Goku to death. Eventually, Yajarobi saved him by cutting off Vegeta's tail. Vegeta now had his attention set on Gohan and Krillin.
After Gohan's battle with Vegeta, it seemed Vegeta would win until Goku told him to look up and the artificial moon that Vegeta made. Gohan turned to Ozaru and beat the $hit out of Vegeta. At the last minute, Vegeta cut off Gohan's tail and Gohan fell to the ground unconscious.

Gohan returned back home, until they decided to go to Namek and use their Dragonball's to revive their fallen friends. Gohan, Krillin, and Bulma were going to make the trip to Namek. One the way there they met up with a group of people whose planet had been taken over by an evil tyrant named Freeza. They were also tricked into thinking that they landed on Namek, when they actually landed on an astroid and almost got their spacecraft stolen.

When they finally make it to Namek, they find out that Freeza is already there and is searching for the Dragonball's. Gohan, Bulma and Krillin stay out of site until Gohan sees a young Namek (Dende) about to be killed by Dodoria. He saves his life then flees. Gohan and Krillin end up getting two Dragonball's, but Vegeta steals one of them.

Later on, the Ginu Force steals all of the Dragonball's and Gohan fights Recoom. After a heated battle, Gohan looses. Goku shows up just in time and saves his life. After Goku takes care of the Ginu Force, Gohan and Krillin go back to Freeza space ship to retrieve the Dragonball's. Once they get there, they collect all seven and wait For Goku. When he arrives, they learn that Ginu has taken over Goku's body and both Krillin and Gohan fight him. After Goku's body is returned, Gohan watches Vegeta fight Freeza. Later on in the battle, it appears that Krillin was killed by Freeza, and in an enraged anger, Gohan launches a full on assault and sends Freeza a devastating ki blast.

Through the rest of the Freeza battle, Gohan watches from the sidelines until Dende wishes him back to earth. Everything is peaceful on earth until a mysterious person shows up (Trunks) and everyone finds out that in three years 2 androids will come and terrorize the earth. Gohan trains with Piccolo and Goku for the three years, but when the time comes to fight them, he is much weaker then the rest of the Z team.

Later after the fight with the androids and before the Cell games, Gohan goes into the room of spirit and time with Goku and achieves the Super Saiya-jin level. While in the room, Goku sees that Gohan has an intense power that even he has not reached.

During the Cell fight, Goku gives up his battle and chooses Gohan as Cell's next opponent. Everyone is shocked that Goku chooses Gohan. When Gohan started the fight, he proved he could hold his own, but was still no march for Cell. After Cell destroyed 16, Gohan's dormant powers were let loose and he was the first to achieve the Super Saiya-jin 2 level. After proving that he was stronger then Cell, Gohan wanted to toy with him a little bit, but made a serious mistake in doing so. In order not to loose, Cell started to self-destruct, but Goku sacrificed his life by teleporting Cell off of the earth. But Cell didn't die and telepored right back to earth. Gohan was injured when he tried to protect Vegeta from an immense blast from Cell, and it seemed a huge Kamehameha that Cell was powering up would destroy him. Gohan basically gave up until Goku spoke to him from heaven. With Goku guidance, Gohan was able to destroy Cell with a Kamehameha attack of his own.

After the fight with Cell, there was peace on earth. Goku was now the older brother to Goten, and he was attending Orange Star High School in Satan City. While attending school, a strange hero called "The Golden Haired Warrior" was showing up and fighting crime. Of course it was Gohan; he was turning Super Saiya-jin so no one would notice him. But Gohan was still afraid that someone from school would notice him, so he had Bulma make him a special suit that he kept in a capsule. He now fought crime known as the Saiya-man.
Another Budoukai tournament was being held, and Gohan decided to enter under the guise of Saiya-man. During the fight, his good friend (and soon to be wife) Videl was badly injured by Sopobitcha. Gohan was about to fight Kibit in the tournament, but it was interrupted when Sopobitcha and his friend absorbed Gohan's power. It turns out that Babi-dee had his henchmen steal Gohan's power to resurrect Majin Buu.

Gohan tries his hardest to stop Babi-dee from awakening Buu, but he can't stop it. Buu awakens and attacks Gohan. It is thought that Gohan was killed, but he wasn't. Kibit and Kaioshin were training him. While he was being trained, Gohan was able to pull out the Zed Sword. They wanted to see how strong the blade was, so Goku threw the strongest know material at Gohan, and he hit the metal with the sword, but the sword broke. When the sword was destroyed, Dia Kaioshin was released. He tells them he has been trapped in the sword and when they broke it, he was released.With a special technique, Dia Kaioshin releases Gohan's hidden power giving birth to Mystic Gohan. The power-up gave him the power of around the Super Saiya-jin 3 level without having to change into a super Saiya-jin.

With his new power, he goes back to earth and fights Super Buu. Super Buu is no match for him, until Buu absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo. Buu is much more powerful and a lot smarter since he absorbed Piccolo. Gohan was no match for him and was absorbed by Buu. Gohan got saved by Vegeta and Goku, but died shortly after when the earth was destroyed. He is brought back to life when Vegeta has the Namek's use the Dragonball's to revive everyone who was killed by Buu.
Ten years later, Gohan is married to Videl and has a daughter named Pan. He is a scholar and has pretty much giving up training. In DBGT, Gohan is able to turn Super Saiya-jin but it is never explained why.

Bukujutsu: The ability to fly with one's ki.
Energy Dan: The user of this technique shoots ki bolts continuously from his hands.

Kamehameha: It is a Ki blast, which to start is charged up held behind the firer in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy

Masenko: This is Gohan's trademark technique. He powers up energy over his head with both of his hands, one palm behind the other, then brings his hands down in front of him to fire the blast at the opponent.

Zanzoken: The user can move so fast he leaves an after-image, while attacking from another standpoint.

Did you know?
Gohan means meal or rice.

Gohan had the ability to become the most powerful person in the DBZ series, but never did because he didn't like fighting.

Gohan was going to be the main character after the Cell saga, but Goku was kept because they feared they would loose viewers.