Kung Fu:
Kung Fu is very useful is Action Half-Life, if you ever run out of ammo, go kick someone [secondary attack, mouse button 2 by default,] and knock away their gun, then go grab it and blow em' away! Or stick to punching and knock the crap 'outta them.
Knife are very powerful but hard to aim, you must be a very good player to use these. Note, if you miss an enemy, you can pick it up. There are 2 ways to use them, 1. Slash and Hack them away, or 2. Throw it and kill them in one hit [usually].
Berreta [Akimbo Berretas]:
The Berreta is a fairly weak weapon, but has a large clip. So if you can't aim for the head to well, don't get these, or maybe pile some lead into a chest [you may use all ammo on armor vest though].
Colt 1911 [Akimbo Colt 1911s]:
The Colt 1911 is an great weapon, high damage and fairly accurate. This weapon is mainly for Akimbos, cause if you aren't going to use Akimbos, you'll probably use a Desert Eagly for more power, because they have the same size clip, 7 rounds.
Colt SAA [Akimbo Colt SAAs]:
This weapons is very powerful and very unaccurate plus a super small ammo hold. This gun might not want to be used because of long long reload time.
Desert Eagle:
An extremly powerful gun with a 7 round clip. This weapon isn't very accurate and is even more unaccurate in Beta 5. This weapons is sure to have an enemy down in 3 shots to the chest, maybe 4 or 5 with a armor vest. This gun is great for beginners, but maybe not for that smaller clip, but is sure to have at least some kills on you score.
MP5 Sub-Machinegun:
This is best for having 4 or 5 enemies surronding you, just use automatic mode and spin n a 360 degrees and hold down the trigger... but you may run out of bullets before you get through a 180. This gun holds 25 or 30 rounds [not very sure]. This guns only draw back is the fast "getting rid of bullets", and in Beta 5, they'll be gone even faster.
M4 Assualt Rifle:
This weapons is a great killer, with a 30 round clip you are sure to have a kill before it's gone. The horribal drawback to the god forsaken recoil, takes about 1 second to get your gun up and shoot, while other weapons take about 0.09 seconds. This is a very bad thing, because you might be dead before you get 1 round off.
Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle:
This weapon is extremly powerful and semi-auto, that's a good pair to have. The only draw back [for you] is the recoil between shots, that'll get you killed. But over all, this gun is good... except for the fags on multiplayer that run with it, whoever heard of runnign with a sniper rifle like it's a shotgun?
50. Caliber Sniper Rifle:
This weapons is even more powerful than the semi-auto sniper rifle. But this weapons is bolt action and that can get you killed. Overall this weapon can get you many frags if you find a good place to hide and snipe.
12 Guage 8 Single Shot Pump Shotgun:
This is the ultimate street sweeper. This weapons will get you tons and tons of frags, this is THE best weapons in the game, that's why some servers ban it because they whine about it being too powerful. If you think it's too powerful why don't you stand in front of a 12 Guage and see if you die in 1 shot, hmm? Well, if it's not banned get, by all means get it!
HandCannon [Sawed off 12 Guage Double-Barrel Shotgun] :
This weapon is extremly powerful, extremly powerful when both shots fired at the same time. You can use 1 shot at a time by using you secondary weapon use [mouse button 2 by default]. The problem with this is that it only hold 2 shells, lots of reloading plus lots of killing... not a bad gun.
What can I say, whip one down to a clod of enemies and get yourself a few frags.
Thanks for visiting this site and good hunting.
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