--------------------Moves-------------------- Key: N | E -------- W | S A: Fireball B: Kick Y: Punch X: Fly or Fall R/L: Fly Forward/Back Vegeta Fireball: A 3 Rapid Fireballs: S,SW,W,W+A Big Burn Attack: S,SW,W,E+A Final Crush: W,SW,S,SE,E+A Sliding Kick: S,SE,E+B Flip & Charge: S,SW,W+Y Flip & Kick: SW,NE+B Super Dash: E,W,E+Y SS Vegeta Fireball: A Rapid Fireballs: S,SW,W+A Big Burn Attack: S,SW,W,E+A Final Crush: W,SW,S,SE,E+A Sliding Kick: S,SE,E+B Flip & Charge: S,SW,W+Y Flip & Kick: SW,NE+B Super Dash: E,W,E+Y Goku Fireball: A Kaoken: SW(hold) then N+A Genki Dono: S,SE,E+A Kamehameha: S,SW,W,E+A Mega Genki Dono: E,SE,S,SW,W+A Jump & Kick: SW,NE+BR Jump Kick: E,S+B Back & Charge: S,SW,W+Y Big Combo: W,SW,S,SE,E,NE,N+B SS Goku Fireball: A Rapid Fireballs: S,SW,W+A Genki Dono: S,SE,E+A Kamehameha: S,SW,W+Y Jump Kick: E,S+B Jump & Kick: SW,NE+B Big Combo: W,SW,S,SE,E,NE,N+B 4 Kicks: W,SW,S,SE,E+B Cell Fireball: A Ground Wave:W,SW,S+A Energy Steal: E,SE,S,SW,W+A Kamehameha: S,SW,W,E+A Ma-Ken-Ko-San po: W,SW,S,SE+A Sliding Kick: W,SW,S+B Tail Swipe: SW,NE+B Buster Kick: E,SE,S,W,W+B Android 16 Fireball: A Eye Beams: W,E+A Rocket Punch: S,SE,E+A Hell's Crush: W,SW,S,SE+A Jump Kick: SW,NE+B Shrug Punch: W,E+Y Spin Kick: S,SE,E+B Android 20 Fierball: A Eye Beams: W,E+A Energy Drain: E,SE,S,SW,W+A Energy Discharge: S,SE,E+A Head Bang Jump: SW,NE+Y Head Bang Charge: S,SW,W+Y Upper Cut Combo: S,SE,E+Y Trunks Fireball: A Rapid Fireballs: S,SW,W+A Super Move: W,SW,S,SE,E+A Tornado Move: W,SW,S,SE,E+B Jump Kick: E,S+B Flip & Kick: SW,NE+B Charge up Attack: S,SW,W+Y ( Flying ) Frieza Fireball:A Finger Beam: E,W+A Invisible Shockwave: S, SE, E+A Spinning Disk: W,SW,S+A Planet Destroyer: E,SE,S,SW,W+A Back up, Elbow Strike: S,SW,W+Y Jumping Tail spin: SW,NE+Y Tail Attack: W,SW,S,SE,E+B Piccolo Fireball:A Eye Beams: W,E+A Tracking Fireball: S,SE,E+A Ma-Ken-Ko san-Po: W,SW,S,SE+A Ki Discharge: E,SE,S,SW,W+A Jump Kick: E,S+B Double Kick: E,W,E+B Big Combo: E,SE,S,SW,W+B SS Gohan Fireball: A Rapid Fireballs: S,SW,W+A Super move 1: W,SW,S,SE+A Ma-Sen-Koh: W,SW,S,SE,E+A Flip & Kick: SW,NE+B Sliding Kick: S,SE,E+B Flying Jump Kick: E,S+B (while jumping) Explosive Punch: E,W,E+Y Perfect Cell Fireball: A Rapid Fireballs: S,SW,W+A Super Ma-Ken-ko San-Po: S,SW,W,E+A Double Fireball: W,SW,S,SE,E+A Perfect Attack: SW,NE+B Sliding Kick: W,SW,S+B Flying Jump Kick: E,S+B Buster Kick: E,SE,S,SW+B Android 18 Fireball: A Ground Wave: W,SW,S+A Tracking Fireball: S,SE,E+A Energy Discharge: S,SW,W,E+A Flip & Butt Slam: SW,NE+B Sliding Kick: S,SE,E+B Retreat & Charge: S,SW,W+Y Hip Attack: S,SE,E+Y --------------------Codes-------------------- CPU Control Pause while in vs. mode or Tenkai-Ichi Budokai mode match and press A+B+X+Y. A sound will confirm the codes correct entry. Unpause the game and the PC will fight itself. Fight as Brawly or Goku Wait until Goku's hand flies toward the tower in the sky during the intro sequence. The press Up, X, Down, B, L, Y, R, A. A sound will confirm, the correct code entry. Hidden Characters Hold L + R, and continuously press X, A, B, Y in a clockwise motion. Sweep the D-Pad in a counter clockwise full circle when Goku begins to speak. Continue until you hear a chime following Goku's voice. This will also allow you to choose the Sam character in VS mode. Invincibility Press A at the intro to go to the title screen. Wait until Goku and Piccolo are fighting in the background, then press L + R + Select + Start. The game will reset. Press any button to enter the main menu. The game level will be set to 4 to confirm the code. Super Saiyan Levels Yellow: Up, L, Down, Y Blue: Left, L, R, Right Super Blue: Up, L, Up, Y, Up, X, Up, R Super Red: Left, R, Up, X, Right, Y, Down, L View real ending Play on a difficulty level of 3 or higher, fight the following matches in order: 1. Son Goku vs. Piccolo 2. Son Goku vs. Vegeta 3. Son Goku vs. Freeza 4. Piccolo vs. Android 20 5. Vegeta vs. Android 18 6. Piccolo vs. Cell 7. Son Goku vs. Android 16 8. Vegeta vs. Trunks 9. Son Goku vs. Son Gohan 10. Son Gohan vs. P-Cell The words "The end" will appear. Wait until Final Battle appears. Beat perfect cell to view the real ending of the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DragonBall Z Super Butouden 2 >Download this game!< This has less of a story mode than the first one, it is more a fighting game. It features villains such as Brolly, if you never lose. And then it has the average bad guys like Zangya, Bojack and yes, Cell. This is much more of a tournament kind of game, so have fun. --------------------Moves-------------------- Key: N | E -------- W | S A: Fireball B: Kick Y: Punch X: Fly or Fall R/L: Fly Forward/Back Vegeta Big Bang: W,SW,S,SE,E,A Elbow Attack: S,SE,E,Y Final Flash Attack: S,SW,W,E,A Energy Beams: S,SW,W,A Ken Za: S,SE,E,A Goku Energy Blast: S,E+A Kamehameha: W,S,E+A Spin Kick: W,S,E+B Kaomeha: S,W,E+A Gohan Kamehameha: S,SW,W,E,A Masenko: W,SW,S,SE,E,A Pissed Off Punch: E,W,E,Y Energy Beams: S,SW,W,A Energy Beam: S,SE,E,A Piccolo Energy Blast: S,SE,E,A Super Kick: E,W,E,B Kakiou Beam: W,E,A Makankosapaskuo: W,SW,S,SE,E,A Cell Kamehameha: W,SW,S,SE,E,A Energy Beams: S,SW,W,A Upper Attack: S,SE,E,Y Kamehameha: S,SW,W,E,A Trunks Energy Beam: W,SE,E,A Energy Beams: S,SW,W,A Burner Attack: W,SW,S,SE,E,A Super Shot: W,SW,S,A Zangya Energy Blast: W,E+A Finger Beam: E,W,E+B Big Buster: S,SW,W,E+A Energy Shots: S,SW,W+A Bojack Energy Shots: S,SE,E+A Energy Blast: W,E+A Super Buster: S,SW,W,E+A Knee Shot: S,SE,E+Y --------------------Codes-------------------- Ant Mode Press down 10 times during the screen before the fight while the players are talking to each other. Brolly vs. Goku To play as Brawly vs. Son Goku in the versus match, press Up, X, Down, B, L, Y, R, A during the intro where you see Son Goku's hand's flying toward the tower in the sky. Built-In Move List While in the middle of a battle, hit the start button, and then select. Scroll down with the control pad twice, and hit the "A" button. This will bring you to a list of moves for your character. Press "A" while on your selected move to get a chance to practice it! Different Meteo Attacks When you are fighting at the stage with the temple in the background (SCENE 1 & SCENE 2), do your character's Meteo Attack (Left, Right, Down, Up, B, and some character's use Y instead of B), and you will notice that your character does either a variation or a completely different attack; Which ends with your opponent being dashed right through the temple's floor as the last hit of the Meteo Attack. Fight Cell Junior in 1 player mode Lose to Cell (the big green guy with wings) and you'll get another chance by fightin Cell jr. (little blue guy with wings). Play as Future Trunks At the into screen where you see Vegeta and Son Goku's face enter Up, X, Down, B, L, Y, R, A. If done correctly sound. Surrender Hold Y+X+B+A then hit Select during any match and your character will give up and surrender. Turbo Mode At the beginning of the game, right before Goku starts speaking in black screen, quickly push the L and R buttons on the second player controller. If you did the code right, the "2" in the title screen will be flashing. The slower it flashes, the faster the game will be. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DragonBall Z Super Butouden 3 >Download this game!< This is more of a GT style fighting game. It features characters such as Buu, Trunks and Goten (the second son of Goku). This is more a future game, being that it has a lot more Super Saiyan characters and leaves out some of the weaker. --------------------------------------------------- --------------------Moves-------------------- Key: N | E ------- W | S A: Fireball B: Kick Y: Punch X: Fly or Fall R/L: Fly Forward/Back Goku Kamehameha: W,SW,S,SE,E,A Energy Dan: S,SE,E,A Knee+Kick: SW,NE,B Surprise Kameha: W,SW,S,SE,E,NE,N,B Majin Buu Energy Dan:S,SE,E,A Energy Bolt: W,SW,S,SE,S,A Invisible Shot: W,E,A Gohan Energy Dan: S,SE,E,A Masenko: W,SW,S,SE,E,A Kamehameha: S,SW,W,E,A Trunks Energy Dan: S,SE,E,A Kick Combo: SE,NW,Y Energy Blast: S,SW,S,E,A Beam Toss: S,SW,S,SE,E,A Dabura Energy Dan:S,SE,E+A Energy Blast: S,SW,S,SE,E+A Flameshot: S,SW,W,E+A Vegeta Final Flash: S,SW,W,E,A Big Bang: W,SW,S,SE,E Energy Dan: S,SE,E,A Driving Elbow: S,SE,E,Y Goten Beam Canon: SW,NE+B Energy Dan: S,SE,E+A Kamehameha: S,SW,W,E+A Kaioshin Kick Combo: W,SW,S,SE,E+B Finger Blast: W,SW,S,SE,E+A Energy Blast: S,SW,W,E+A Android 18 Fireball: W,SW,S,SE,E+A Knee Combo: SE,N+Y Energy Blast: S,SW,W,E+A --------------------Codes-------------------- Level Power Trick Enter these codes before a fight when your character is talking to the enemy. 1. Up, L, Down, Y 2. Left, L, R, Right 3.Down, X, Up, R 4. L, R, Up, Down,Y, X, Left, Right 5. Up, L, Up, R, Up, Y, Up, X 6. Left, R, Up, X, Right, Y, Down, L Play as Adult Trunks At the intro, press Up, X, Down, B, L, Y, R, A. You will hear a small "whacking" sound and in the character selection screen, adult Trunks will be right above Majiin Buu. Super Turbo Mode For a greater challenge, hold X+R+L at the start of the game. Turbo Mode For turbo mode, hold X+R at the start of the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DragonBall Z : Hyper Dimension Hyper Dimension, a great Dragonball Z fighting game. Take you al of the way from The battle on Namek with Frieza, all the way to the Super Duels With Majin Buu. Plus naturally anything that happens between the two events. --------------------Moves-------------------- ==================== Basic Game Controls ==================== A: Energy Wave (Ki Blast)/Laser B: Kick X: Used for Sending opponents to Alternate Backgrounds. (see further down for more information on this) Also so used for Close Range Attacks/Throws Y: Punch L/R: Dash Select: N/A Start: Pause Game play ================== Super Saiyan Goku ================== Side Slash (3D Attack): Hold L or R + B Double Kick: Forward, B Double Punch: Down, Forward, Y Jumping Knee Slash: Forward, Down, Forward, B Quadruple Kick: Back, Down, Forward, B Abiseh Geri (Spinning Kick): Down, Back, B Slash Down Kick: (While in Air) Forward, Down, B Teleport Towards: Back, Down, Back, Y Teleport Away: Back, Down, Back, B Kantsu Energy Dan (Large Ki Blast): Forward, Back, Forward, A Kamehame-Ha: Back, Down, Forward, A Chou Kamehame-Ha: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack (Saiyan Meteor): Back, Down, Forward, Up + Y ============= Majin Vegeta ============= Driving Elbow (3D Attack): Hold L or R + Y Sliding Kick (Combo #1): Down, Forward, B Sliding Kick, Rushing Knee: (Combo #2): Down, Forward, B (X2) Sliding Kick, Rushing Knee, Cross punch, Jump Kick (Combo #3): Down, Forward, B (X4) Jumping Knee Slash: Forward, Down, Forward, B Jumping Bomb: Back-Down, Forward-Up, Y Bakuhatsu-Ha (Ground Flare): Down, Up, Y Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Forward, A Energy Field (While in Air, Does not Protect Vegeta): Down, Back, Y Vertical Ki Blasts (While in Air): Down, Back, A Energy Dash: Back, Down, Forward, Y Big Bang Attack: Back, Down, Forward, A Final Flash: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack (Galactic Gunfire): Up, Down + Y Note: Galactic Gunfire can easily be done by Holding Up, Then Down + Y, Before Vegeta touches the ground. ========== Gohan ========== Triangle Illusion (3D Attack): Hold L or R + B Rushing Uppercut: Forward + Y Knee Slasher: Hold Back (3 Secs), Forward + B Zankuu Kyaku (Kicking Uppercut): Hold Down (3 Secs), Up + B Bakuretsu Punch (Rushing Punch): Hold Back, Forward + Y Bukuuh Kyaku (While in Air): Forward, Down, B Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Forward, A Masenko: Back, Down, Forward, A Kamehame-Ha: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack: (Rushing Suki Combo): Forward, Down, Back, Forward, B ================== Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks ================== Ultra Headbutt (3D Attack): Hold L or R + Y Sliding Headbutt: Down/Towards + Y Omaenanka Combo: Use Sliding Headbutt, and After Contacting Damage Press Forward, Down, Back, Y Rolling Thunder Uppercut: Back, Down, Forward, Y Wild Boar Takedown: Down, Forward, Y Aerial Kantsu Energy Dan (While in Air): Forward, Back, Forward, A Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Forward, A Ultra Renzoku Energy Dan: Down, Forward, Down, Forward, A KikoHa: Back, Down, Forward, A Heat Seeking-Spirit: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack (Gekitotsu Volleyball): Forward, Back, Down, Forward,Y =================== Super Saiyan Vegetto =================== Shooting Kick (3D Attack): Hold L or R + B Geri Combo (When Close to Enemy): Forward, Down, Back, B Elbow Dash: Down, Forward, Y Double Slashdown Kick (While in air): Forward, Down, B Kakusan Energy Dan: Down, Back, A Quadruple Aerial Kick: Back/Down, Forward/Up, B Big Bang Attack: Back, Down, Forward, A Final Kamehame-ha: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack (Galactic Juggle): Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y ============= Perfect Cell ============= Giga Shoulder (3D Attack): Hold L or R + Y Diagonal Ki Flame: Back, Down, Forward, Y Energy Burst: Forward, Down, Back, B Psychic Lift: Forward, Down, Back, Y Cell Junior Attack: Forward, Back, Forward, B Negative Arrow (While in Air): Forward, Down, Y Kantsu Energy Dan (Large Ki Blast): Forward, Back, Forward, A Rushing Suki Combo: Down, Forward, Y Kamehame-Ha: Back, Down, Forward, A Chou Kamehame-Ha: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack #1 (Tri-Ground Eruption): Forward, Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y Desperation Attack#2 (Bakuretsu Rush): Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Forward, Y ========== Majin Buu ========== Matamol Buu Attack (3D Attack): Hold L or R + Y Extension Punch: Forward + Y Buu Floater (While in Air): Forward, Down, Back, Y Horizontal Tri-Blast (While in Air): Forward, Down, Y Slashdown Tri-Blast (While in Air): Forward, Down, B Whip Attack: Down, Forward, Y Disk Tackle: Back, Down, Forward, Y Close Range Earth Stab: Down, Back, Y Medium Range Earth Stab: Down, Back, B Far Range Earth Stab: Down, Back, A Kantsu Energy Dan (Large Ki Blast): Forward, Back, Forward, A Buu Burn: Back, Down, Forward, A Energy Sphere: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack (Explosive Putty Uppercut): Back, Forward, Down, Up + Y =========== Mr. Buu =========== Flying Bomber (3D Attack): Hold L or R + B Planet Attack: Hold Back (3 Secs), Forward + Y Rolling Headbutt, Tackle: Hold Back (3 Secs), Forward + Y. Just Before Contacting Damage Press Back, Down, Forward, Y PowerSault: Hold Down (3 Secs), Up + Y Tornado Hip: Hold Back (3 Secs), Forward + B. Butt Drop (While in Air): Down + B Oyatsu Kosen (Shocking Candy Munch): Hold Down (3 Secs), Up + B Kakusan Energy Dan (Tri-Blast): Down, Back, A Buu Energy Field: Back, Down, Forward, A Mightiness Bomber: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack (Buu Breath): Down, Forward, Y + B ======= Freiza ======= Double Leg Kick (3D Attack): Hold L or R + B KienZan (Destruct Disc): Forward, Down, Forward, A Evil Energy (While in Air): Down, Back, B Freiza Slash: Down, Back, Y Explosive Grab (When Close to Enemy): Forward, Down, Back, Y Jasenkoh (Double Diving Kick, While in Air): Forward, Down, B Kishin-Ha (Flare Punch): Forward, Down, Forward, Y Ground Wave: Back, Down, A DeathBall: Back, Down, Forward, A Jubaku-Ha (Super Ki Blast): Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack (Flaming Headbutt): Down, Back, Y+B ======== Piccolo ======== Sonic Kick (3D Attack): Hold L or R + B High Mystic Attack: Forward, Down, Forward, Y Low Mystic Attack: Forward, Down, Forward, B Physical Counter: Back, Down, Forward, Y Note: To use this Counter, make the Enemy use a Physical Attack such as Kicking or Punching. When you use Physical Counter, Piccolo will put his arms out and if the Enemy Punches or kicks his arms while they are out, Piccolo will... Bukuuh Kyaku (While in Air): Forward, Down, B Shocking Stunner: Back, Down, A Yuudoh Energy Dan (Seeking Ki Blast): Forward, Down, Forward, A Gekiretsudokan: Back, Down, Forward, A Special Beam Cannon: Down, Back, Forward, A Desperation Attack (Aerial Assualt): Forward, Back, Down, Up + Y ===================== Advanced/Extra Moves ===================== 3D Attacks - If you are on the Left Side, use R, If you are on the Right side use L. Then press the assigned button either B or Y Energy Charge - Press and Hold B + Y. They should be Charging. Note: THIS RECHARGES YOUR HEALTH!!! Throw/Close Range Grapple - Stand next your Opponent and press Forward + X Dash - To Dash, Hold L or R and press Left or Right. Counter Attack - To Counter an Attack, wait for your Opponent to Attack you, Block it. If it was a Physical Attack, there should be a Blue Spark. Quickly use a SPECIAL MOVE immediately once you see the Blue Spark. If Done Correctly, the Screen should fade Black. If it was a Ki Blast, there should be a little Explosion. You must use a SPECIAL MOVE at the Same Time when the Explosion appears Hop - Press Forward, then Hold Forward. Your character should hop forward. You can also hop backwards by pressing Back, Hold Back. This is mainly used for hopping over Ki Blasts. ====================== Alternate Backgrounds ====================== Forward, Back, Forward, X: Sends your Opponent on the Left or Right Alternate Background Down, Forward, X: Sends your opponent into the Upper Alternate Level Down, Back, X (While in Sky Background): Sends your opponent smashing to the Ground from the Sky (Not on Namek) Piccolo High Extended Punch: DP + Y Low Extended Punch: DP + B Counter (Physical Hits Only): HCT + Y Kick Flurry: T,D + B (Air) Mental Shock: A,AD,D + A Fireball Seeker: DP + A 3D Attack: R or L + B Mr. Buu Butt Bounce: D + B (Air) Headbutt: CB,T + Y Two-Handed Hit: CD,U + Y Pirouette: CB,T + B Shock and Munch: CD,U + B Triple FireballsQCB + A 3D Attack: R or L + B Cell Diagonal Flame: HCT + Y Energy Serge: HCB + B Psy-lift: HCB + Y Cell Jr. Attack: T,A,T + B Energy Dart: T,D + Y (Air) Energy Bolt: T,A,T + A 4 Punch Combo: QCT + Y 3D Attack: R or L + Y Three Shock Waves: HCB,HCT + Y