Neo Pro 2
Game Reviews


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Super Nintendo Entertainment System -

Super Butoden 1.0 -
It is an okay game, flying. But not enough moves. Not much to review.

Super Butoden 2.0 -
It is great, awesome new features such as powering up and new graphx for the Special and Ki attacks. With a great story mode and more characters it is good except one small flaw... NO GOKU!

Super Butoden 3.0 -
One of the best! Great new features, many, many many... new attacks! Huge KameHama Has and fast pace hand to hand combat! Another flaw, no story mode!

Hyper Dimension 1.0 -
Oh... Oh... My God... Pure beauty! Never, ever, was there better graphx on a 16 bit console! Awesome charging. And see Saiyans turn into Super Saiyans right before your eyes!
(except Gohan). Many, Many attacks for these great fighters. Now you can block specials alot and the new awesome attacks, Desperate Attacks such as the Saiyan Meteor!

Sega Genisis -

Buu Besyurin (not sure) -
A mix between Super Butoden 1 and 2.